Friday, November 8, 2013

Sandals or Steel-toed Boots?

There is a part of me that loves to have my proverbial toes stepped on, but only when I know that the stepper isn't aiming his stomp specifically at MY toes.  It is a perfect opportunity for me to do some self-evaluation without feeling as if I am being personally attacked.  It really is easier to see myself more clearly when emotions aren't fogging up the mirror!

Like when I read a book (particularly the Bible), watch a video, attend a lecture, or read a blog post that I just happen to stumble upon.  These are the perfect places for me to be completely vulnerable to what I need to hear.  "Lord, show me what I need to know!  Grow me up!"

Things get a little more sticky when someone who knows me decides that they also know what I need to learn.  And that's when I have the choice.  I can either slip on some sandals or lace up my steel-toed boots.

Now I will be up front with you.  Humility isn't my natural response. 
Can I be self-depreciating?  Yes.  Humble?  Eh. 

I'm pretty sure that my toes line up a bit too close to the edge of a ledge looming over a pit called Pride.  Not because I think that I am better than anyone else.  I don't.  And not because I thought I was doing a good job at hiding my faults.  I'm not that slick.

Chances are, if I am offended it is either because I am already aware of the problem and am in rebellion against repentance or the said stepper is seeking to cope with their own faults by amplifying mine in some way. 

Still, it is up to me to choose my footwear.  And I don't always choose wisely.  I don't even have much wisdom to share about accessing humility.

I do, however, know for sure...

When I wear my boots, I can easily convince myself that my feet are clean.

But Jesus washed feet.  Dirty, nasty, stinky, gnarly-nailed feet.  Feet that wore sandals. 

"Then, Lord," Simon Peter replied, "not just my feet but my hands and my head as well!" --John 13:9.


  1. This is great! Good thinking and well said!

  2. Very well said. Think too often I wear the steel toed boots, but will try to wear sandals more often.

    1. I would never have thought that of you, Aunt Oneida! Love you!

  3. Oh my. Are you stepping on my toes here? Maybe so.
    Yes, it is a difficult choice to make. Thank you for the challenge to purposefully choose.

  4. Such a great reminder! (and I love the new blog design)

  5. What a great reminder to be teachable! (and I love your new blog design)

    1. I needed a reminder! Thanks! The look desperately needed an overhaul.
