Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Gathering in April

This month's gathering in which I join Cheryl at Thinking About Home for her monthly link up is slightly different than previous months.  Although this doesn't strictly follow the "rules" that she outlined, I think I know Cheryl well enough to know that she won't mind... just this once.

April has been a month of moments holding great joy for me.  I don't use the word joy lightly since it is not only a word that Scripture attaches holy meaning to, but it was also my mother's name.  So I say JOY with its fullest span of meaning.

So many moments that string together to make a season...

** that moment when I took off a pair of jeans, knowing I'd never wear them again because they are way too big.

**that moment when I whispered "Help me" to a friend and she immediately covered me with prayer and spoke live-giving words.

**that moment when that same friend called and said "We are moving.  In three days," and my ability to rejoice for their opportunity overshadowed the sorrow I felt at our separation.

**that moment when I stood atop a massive pile of composted horse manure and laughed out loud at this unexpected development in my life.

**that moment when my 2-year-old twin grandsons locked their arms around my neck, not wanting me to leave, and saying "Mommaw" over and over.

**that moment when I was about to take a deep drink from that pit called Anxiety and a notecard arrived in the mail with knowing, meaningful words of encouragement written inside.

**that moment when my husband gave me a look that means the same thing it has always meant but seeing nearly 26 years of depth supporting it.

**that moment when a friend and I shared an afternoon of laughter over a couple cups of tea out on her patio in the spring sunshine.

**that moment when a bad situation took a turn for the worse and a sense of peace flooded into my mind as a balm for the stinging.

**that moment when  a root of bitterness released its grip on my heart and I felt the full impact of love flow into that space.

**that moment when an old fear turned into a new confidence.

**that moment when I leaned into the discomfort of true vulnerability that forged a stronger bond with both old and new friends.

**that moment when I realized that I am developing a trust response toward God in stressful seasons.

**that moment when the scent of lilacs reminded me to appreciate the simple things.

All I can say now is... May has some big shoes to fill. 

Thinking About Home


  1. What a month filled with joy. Thanks for sharing so we too can rejoice.

  2. Joanne, this is a wonderful, wonderful post! Our God is so good! I love how you gathered the moments of the month and I love how God is revealing Himself to you in so many ways!

    Yes, my friend, break those rules! :D

    1. His mercy has flooded over me this month like never before and I am so grateful.

      I'm such a rebel :-)

  3. Wow. I could never know your deep feeling for all these experiences but, can know you are so connected to the very best of life! Just Wow! And, you have a fantastic ability to express it.

    1. Thank you so much, Aunt Betty. God is faithful to remind us!

  4. Such sweetness in this was like watching petals unfold. Joanne, this has blessed me more than you can know.


  5. What an encouraging post! I like the way you think. Many blessings! -Leslie

    1. Thank you, Leslie, for stopping by and leaving a sweet comment!

  6. Joanne,
    What a wonderful, beautiful post! It's so true. Whatever the situation, the bottom line is that He is trustworthy, He is good, and He IS working behind the scenes in ways we won't know this side of heaven.

    1. Thank you for your kind comment, Carol. I so wish that I had this understanding many, many years ago.

  7. Wow, what a beatiful post and month filled with many blessed moments.

  8. This is so beautiful, no photos were needed, I am so blessed by reading this! Thank you for sharing.

    1. Thank you, Sue, for taking time to leave a comment. I know you are a busy woman!

  9. I always told you(in one way or another) that the little things are what's most important :) I'm so proud of you Mama, for embracing Joy, big and small, finding the blessings in what you've been given. You have grown so much and I cannot wait to see what more you are going to do!
    I love you!

  10. This is an inspiring post Joanne - spoken from your heart!
    You are blessed and so am I for reading your wonderful account of April for you.
    Spreading His Word.
    Shane x

  11. Thanks for your Blog. A fellow "not so empty nester" Linked from SRT. Looking forward to reading more.

    1. Thank you for visiting, Laurie. I am a new reader of SRT. So glad to have "met" you!

  12. Thank you for your beautiful comment, Gema. I am so in awe of how God uses our wounded places to bring about beauty even though they are, in and of themselves, horribly ugly. He redeems what is placed within his care. He is the Lover of our souls! I hope for you a wonderful May, full of undeniable joy!

  13. How nice that you kept track of these God moments this month. He blesses us over and over in so many ways, but I sometimes don't take time to really savor them. Another not do empty nest ST sister!

    1. Thanks for stopping by, Susan, and leaving a comment. I don't always take time either, but when I do... I'm blown away!!!!
